How the Fit for You Framework will completely change your health + life

I know you’re ready for a change, but probably feel jaded by the diet industry - so let me share with you what I do with my clients and why my strategies and method actually help them get results.

A huge part of what I do as a nutritionist and health coach is getting to know my clients and helping them understand where there are gaps in their nutrition, energy, focus, mood, and overall well being.

When we’re able to combine the current gaps in their health habits and wellness routine, as well as address their health, fitness and mindset goals, we can create a solution that’s tailored to their needs.

And this is exactly where the Fit for You Framework comes in.

You see, every other diet and most other programs out there work like this:

You have a problem (for example, wanting to lose weight, or wanting to get more fit)

You find a “solution” (a new kickboxing studio offering a 30 day promo, or a new diet that your friend is raving about)

You try out this new solution - probably with mixed results (you’re losing weight on the diet, but you can’t have carbs at all; the only time you can go to kickboxing class is at 5am)

And eventually, you fall off the wagon.

Because these cookie cutter approaches aren’t really designed for YOU. They’re created for you to fit into them.

This is where the Fit for You Framework truly stands out in a landscape of diets, fitness challenges and 30-day detoxes.

The Fit for You Framework evaluates the following aspects of your life:

  • Your schedule

  • Your current responsibilities (kids, work, etc?)

  • Your preferences (what do you actually like when it comes to eating? Do you enjoy cooking? What type of exercise do you prefer?)

  • Your goals

  • Your current health and condition - are there any limitations to be aware of?

And perhaps the most important factor: what barriers or roadblocks are standing in the way of you achieving these now, and on your journey forward?

This is the exact framework I’ve developed over 3 years of health coaching and nutrition counseling.

I have found that my clients by far achieve the best results - physically, mentally, and emotionally - and are able to sustain them after our term working together when we approach their changes from this perspective.

Imagine how much different your progress and outcome would be if you had a completely customized solution to your health struggles and goals?

The biggest thing is that we’re not JUST focusing on your goals inside the Fit for You Framework - we’re also being proactive about your roadblocks, barriers and self-sabotage on your path to success.

Let’s face it: if health, fitness, and mindset changes were easy to make, everyone would make them - and you wouldn’t be reading this article.

But the reality is that it’s hard to change your habits. It’s hard to make a change and stick to it, day in and day out.

There will be some days where you feel like giving up altogether. But that’s when it matters even more that you have a strategy in place - and that you continue on your journey.

This is exactly what we focus on with the Fit For You Framework. Making sure you have a contingency plan for when everything goes wrong, you want to eat half the pantry, and you can’t be bothered to make it to the gym for your scheduled workout.

And that’s how you’re going to see progress, week after week!

This framework has helped my clients get the following results:

Caitlin's story: Caitlin ended 3+ years of restricting and binging - and now no longer feels out of control around food, or guilty for enjoying her favorite treats (insert testimonial video)

Heather's story: Heather is finally addressing her true roadblocks to success and consistency with her health: her unsustainable habits and all-or-nothing thinking. By bridging the gap and shifting her perspective, she’s actually seeing consistent results with her nutrition, exercise and sleep for the first time in years.

Sarah's story: Sarah went from mindless eating multiple times a day and binging at night on takeout delivery - and feeling miserable in her body - to meal prepping, meal planning, enjoying her home-cooked nutritious meals, and spending more time out and about in her body and skin that she’s proud of

Jill's story: Jill went from eating out all the time with friends and work colleagues to a sudden wakeup call from the doctor when she learned she had high cholesterol and high triglycerides. She really loved food and didn’t want to give it up, but also knew something had to change. By applying the Fit for You Framework, we were able to implement strategies to help lower her biomarkers to healthy ranges by increasing her plant-based food consumption - which also resulted in some weight loss she was really happy about - and leaving her feeling more vibrant and energized than she had in years.

Can you see how the Fit for You Framework can really change your health habits and your life? Each one of these client stories are so different and unique - and each client had different struggles, goals, and roadblocks upon begin their program.

By addressing their needs, pitfalls, lifestyle, preferences, and current responsibilities, we were able to create a sustainable solution that each woman felt excited about. This is huge! Feeling excited about your behavior change is a massive indicator of long-term success.

This is why it’s so crucial to apply this custom framework to YOU and your goals, struggles and roadblocks - inside of 1:1 health and nutrition coaching.

 Consider this your official invite to schedule your free consultation call with me so we can make this happen. 

I really want you to be our next success story - and I want to help you live the life you deserve, with the health, vitality, and energy that you’re dreaming of.

 Click here to schedule your consultation with me.