Client Story: From Dieting + Binging to Food Freedom

Claudia’s 1:1 Coaching Story: From dieting, restricting and binging - to food freedom, nutrition confidence and self-compassion

Today I want to share with you the story of one of my incredible clients, Claudia - and how she transformed her relationship with food to overcome years of binge eating, restrictive dieting, and horrible body image to now have a balanced and happy relationship with food, plus consistent health habits.

Here’s what Claudia said when she filled out her intake form to work with me:

“I don’t know how to fix my relationship with food and I have developed bad habits.

I want to lose weight, break free of this hold food has on me, and no longer have anxiety about food.

I’m carrying an extra 30 pounds and it’s not because I don’t know how to lead a healthy lifestyle, it’s because I have struggled with restricting then binge eating for so long and now have a broken relationship with food. I need to fix that before I can address my weight.”

Can you relate to any of these feelings? Feeling like you’re putting your life on hold because you feel so uncomfortable in your skin, or like food is just dominating your life?

Claudia joined my six-month 1:1 coaching program, and we began immediately by analyzing her current barriers to reaching her goals - her broken relationship with food - and working to lessen the anxiety and overwhelm she felt around food, exercise and her body.

Using the Fit for You Framework, we evaluated:

  • Her lifestyle: she was restricting and binging and had been on a lot of fad diets over the years in an attempt to lose weight - but she always ended up gaining it all back and then some

  • Her schedule: as a grad student, Claudia’s schedule fluctuated day by day, so we needed to accommodate her cooking routine, eating plan, and exercise habits around her energy levels and mental capacity after her coursework

  • Her preferences: Claudia wanted to increase her meal variety and also incorporate more plant-based dishes into her diet, so we created a strategy to meet both of these desires

  • Her cognitive capacity and energy levels: Claudia was a busy grad student juggling classes, an internship, a job, and her social life. We needed to make sure the changes we incorporated helped to decrease her anxiety and stress around food, and then also that our strategies were seamless and required the least amount of output possible so that she could make progress - and sustain it in the months to come

This approach proved to be completely transformative for her health habits, her relationship with food, and her mental health!

After a few months into our coaching program, Claudia was feeling SO much better around her relationship with food. She had overcome toxic food rules that were picked up from the years of dieting, and she was able to feel more positive and intentional around her eating habits.

She stopped binging entirely. A massive win! By decreasing the guilt and anxiety she was feeling about food, she was able to enjoy her favorite dishes - and also make more nutritious meal choices without the pressure of being ‘super healthy’ or losing weight.

She began (and maintained!) a consistent exercise routine, from once a week to 4x/week, and regular bike rides and daily walks, as well.

She was able to truly begin to LOVE her body. This is one of my favorite client results, because it’s so powerful to see someone truly love the skin they’re in! We ALL deserve that feeling.

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But don’t just take it from me. Click here to hear from Claudia herself about what was most impactful from her 1:1 coaching experience.

I want you to know that these results don’t have to feel unachievable for you.

You are just as worthy of feeling happy and free around food.

You deserve to live intentionally: to feel in control and mindful around your eating choices. To no longer have any regrets around food, or feel stagnant in your exercise and health habits.

The first step to reaching that goal? Scheduling your consultation call with me.

This is where we’ll get to know each other better, and I’ll walk you through how the Fit for You Framework can help you overcome your health struggles and barriers - and reach those goals that you’ve been dreaming of for years now.

Let’s make your dream success story a reality.  Book your consultation call today.