Posts tagged binge eating recovery
Client Story: From Dieting + Binging to Food Freedom

“I don’t know how to fix my relationship with food and I have developed bad habits.

I want to lose weight, break free of this hold food has on me, and no longer have anxiety about food.

I’m carrying an extra 30 pounds and it’s not because I don’t know how to lead a healthy lifestyle, it’s because I have struggled with restricting then binge eating for so long and now have a broken relationship with food. I need to fix that before I can address my weight.”

Can you relate to any of these feelings? Feeling like you’re putting your life on hold because you feel so uncomfortable in your skin, or like food is just dominating your life?

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Stop Stress Eating Today: 5 Ways to Regain Control Around Food

If you want to stop stress eating and regain control around food, try these following steps to help you change your perspective on how to handle stress.

Why Do I Stress Eat?

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