Posts tagged how to lose weight
Are Weight Loss Drugs Right for You? Understanding the Pros, Cons, and Who They're Recommended For

Have you been considering using a weight loss drug in an attempt to lose some stubborn weight? Losing weight can be an incredibly difficult journey, and I see so many turning to new weight loss medications as a solution. That’s why I wanted to write this article to properly define what weight loss drugs are, how they work inside our bodies and address the potential side effects that are not often discussed.

Many people turn to medications like Ozempic and other weight loss drugs to try and make the process of losing weight easier, but do they really work? What are the risks of these medications, and are you able to maintain weight loss once you stop taking them?

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Why Cheat Days Aren't Doing You Any Good—And What You Should Do Instead

“Cheat days”—or cheat meals, if you prefer to think of them as a single meal—are often encouraged by people who want to lose weight, with the idea that it can help break an otherwise bad diet and allow your body to reset itself back to a normal, healthy weight.

If you’re trying to lose weight, the last thing you need are cheat days, and they may even be screwing over the progress you’re trying so hard to make. You may have heard that they’re essential if you’re trying to stick to your diet and avoid cravings. However, here’s why cheat days aren’t doing you any favors, and what you should do instead to help yourself achieve long-lasting, sustainable weight loss.

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Client Story: From Dieting + Binging to Food Freedom

“I don’t know how to fix my relationship with food and I have developed bad habits.

I want to lose weight, break free of this hold food has on me, and no longer have anxiety about food.

I’m carrying an extra 30 pounds and it’s not because I don’t know how to lead a healthy lifestyle, it’s because I have struggled with restricting then binge eating for so long and now have a broken relationship with food. I need to fix that before I can address my weight.”

Can you relate to any of these feelings? Feeling like you’re putting your life on hold because you feel so uncomfortable in your skin, or like food is just dominating your life?

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The Benefits of Plant-Based Protein Powder and 4 of the Best Brands, According to a Nutritionist

If you’re looking to include more plant-based proteins into your diet, supplementing with a high-quality plant-based protein powder can be an excellent way to do so.

With so many different brands out there, it can be hard to know which plant-based protein powder offers the best value and quality. Let’s explore the benefits of protein powder, how much to incorporate into your diet and some of the best brands available on the market. We’ll review which plant-based protein powders are best, how much protein you should be getting, how to get enough protein on a vegan diet, and talking about how to build muscle.

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