Posts tagged stop emotional eating
Understanding Emotional Eating: How To Break Free From The Cycle?

Emotional eating is deeply rooted in the intricate link between our emotions and the act of eating. It often involves seeking comfort or distraction through food when experiencing various emotional states. 

Certain foods, particularly those high in sugar, fat, and salt, can activate the brain's reward centers, providing a temporary mood boost. 

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Breaking the Cycle of Food Obsession: A Comprehensive Guide to Feeling Confident and In Control

Food obsessions can be defined as thoughts about food that make you anxious or preoccupied. These thoughts can range in intensity from occasional to constant, but they all make it difficult for someone with an eating disorder to enjoy life without being scared of what their next thought might be.

Guilt is when you feel remorseful or regretful over something you have done or failed to do. It’s a feeling of inadequacy or failure. The guilt we experience around food is usually related to things like dieting, not trusting our body to know how much it needs to eat, restricting calories, overeating one day and then restricting the next day because we feel guilty about the first day’s overeating. We feel guilty about what we eat because we've been told that certain foods are bad or unhealthy.

And we experience anxiety around food because it's out of our control- we never know how much will be on our plate and when it will come. The double edged sword is that being restrictive and not eating properly can actually worsen our anxiety over time due to inadequate nutrition.

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How to Curb Your Sweet Tooth Naturally - Without Dieting or Restricting

Are you constantly craving sweets? Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to kick your sweet tooth? You're not alone!

Many of us struggle with wanting to indulge in sugary treats, and you are completely normal for feeling that way, but the key is to find a healthier, more natural way to do it.

Once you identify the reason for your cravings, it is important to find healthier ways to cope with them. You may want to reach for a healthy snack or something else that will satisfy your cravings without reaching for an unhealthy alternative.

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Stop Stress Eating Today: 5 Ways to Regain Control Around Food

If you want to stop stress eating and regain control around food, try these following steps to help you change your perspective on how to handle stress.

Why Do I Stress Eat?

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