Posts tagged nondiet nutrition
Understanding Emotional Eating: How To Break Free From The Cycle?

Emotional eating is deeply rooted in the intricate link between our emotions and the act of eating. It often involves seeking comfort or distraction through food when experiencing various emotional states. 

Certain foods, particularly those high in sugar, fat, and salt, can activate the brain's reward centers, providing a temporary mood boost. 

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Ditching the Diet Mentality: 3 Essential Steps to Develop a Healthy Relationship with Food

Diet culture often makes us think that food is either good or bad, and if we choose the wrong food, we must suffer through guilt until we can make up for it with the next meal. Eating is framed as an act of self-control when it should be framed as an act of self-care.

It's time to start freeing yourself from the damaging messages of diet culture. Here are some steps you can take to start building a healthy relationship with food that’s based on nourishment, rather than deprivation and weight loss. 

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How to Curb Your Sweet Tooth Naturally - Without Dieting or Restricting

Are you constantly craving sweets? Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to kick your sweet tooth? You're not alone!

Many of us struggle with wanting to indulge in sugary treats, and you are completely normal for feeling that way, but the key is to find a healthier, more natural way to do it.

Once you identify the reason for your cravings, it is important to find healthier ways to cope with them. You may want to reach for a healthy snack or something else that will satisfy your cravings without reaching for an unhealthy alternative.

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