Stay Fit On The Go: How To Eat Healthy While Staying In A Hotel Made Easy

Are you feeling overwhelmed when it comes to eating healthy while traveling

With the influx of new hotels and exciting restaurants, indulging in unhealthy food options can be so tempting. 

But don't worry - I have just the tips and tricks for you. 

In this blog post, I'll show you how to make smart decisions about food choices while staying at a hotel. 

We will cover topics such as menu selection, grocery shopping on the go, meal preparation techniques, and more.

So, let's get started with some helpful advice on how to eat healthy while away from home - no matter what type of hotel you're staying in: 

How To Eat Healthy While Staying In A Hotel

Are you eager not to compromise on your healthy eating despite being out of town or staying at a hotel? If so, we’re here to save your day: 

  1. Pack Healthy Snacks

Packing your own snacks ensures that you have healthy options readily available during your trip. 

Here's a more detailed breakdown of some snack choices:

  • Nuts: Opt for unsalted, raw, or roasted nuts. Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are excellent choices. They provide protein, healthy fats, and are satisfying.

  • Dried Fruits: Choose dried fruits without added sugars or preservatives. Apricots, raisins, figs, and dates are naturally sweet and high in fiber.

  • Granola Bars: Look for bars with whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Check the ingredient list for minimal added sugars and artificial additives. These bars can be a quick source of energy.

  • Rice Cakes: Rice cakes are a low-calorie, low-fat option. They are versatile and can be paired with almond butter, hummus, or Greek yogurt for a balanced snack.

2. Research Nearby Grocery Stores

Conducting thorough research on local grocery stores around your hotel can make a big difference when it comes to eating healthy while staying at a hotel. 

Here's a more detailed approach:

  • Location and Hours: Find the nearest grocery stores' locations and operating hours. Knowing their proximity to your hotel and opening times will help you plan your shopping.

  • Shopping List: Create a shopping list in advance with items like fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins (chicken, turkey, tofu), whole grains (brown rice, quinoa), and dairy or non-dairy options (Greek yogurt, almond milk).

  • Meal Planning: Consider planning simple meals you can prepare using the grocery store ingredients. This ensures you have nutritious options readily available.

3. Choose Accommodations with Kitchenettes

Staying in a hotel with kitchenette facilities provides a unique opportunity to have more control over your meals. 

Here's a detailed approach to making the most of this option:

  • Cooking Utensils: Check what cooking utensils and equipment are available in the kitchenette. This may include pots, pans, utensils, and basic appliances like a microwave, toaster, or stovetop.

  • Meal Preparation: Plan your meals in advance to make efficient use of the kitchenette. Prepare simple, balanced dishes such as stir-fries, salads, or one-pot pasta recipes that are easy to make to eat healthy at the hotel. 

  • Grocery Shopping: With access to a kitchenette, you can buy fresh produce, lean meats, and whole foods from local grocery stores. This allows you to cook nutritious meals just as you would at home.

4. Opt for Healthy Room Service

Many hotels offer room service, and you can make healthier choices with a detailed approach:

  • Customization: Don't hesitate to customize your order. You can ask for grilled rather than fried, sauces on the side, or extra vegetables to make your meal more nutritious.

  • Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes. Share a meal with a friend or ask for a to-go container to save half for another meal. This prevents overeating and reduces food waste.

5. Check Restaurant Menus

When dining out while staying in a hotel, it's essential to assess restaurant menus for healthier choices carefully. Here's a more detailed approach to this tip:

  • Dietary Preferences: First, consider your dietary preferences and any restrictions you may have, such as vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or low-sodium options. Look for restaurants that cater to your specific needs.

  • Cooking Methods: Pay attention to the cooking methods used. Opt for grilled, baked, steamed, or roasted dishes instead of fried. These methods typically involve less added fat and are healthier choices.

  • Vegetable-Based Dishes: Focus on dishes that incorporate a variety of vegetables. Vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They can make your meal more filling and nutritious.

  • Lean Proteins: Choose dishes with lean protein sources like chicken, fish, tofu, or legumes. These options are lower in saturated fat and can help you maintain a balanced diet.

  • Sauces and Dressings: Be cautious with sauces and dressings, as they can add extra calories and sodium. Ask for these on the side so you can control the amount you use.

6. Be Mindful of Breakfast

Breakfast is often considered the most important meal of the day, and starting your day on a healthy note is crucial. Eating breakfast is one of the healthy morning habits you shouldn’t ignore at all. 

Here's a detailed approach to being mindful of your hotel breakfast:

  • Selection: When you're at the hotel breakfast buffet, take your time to assess your options. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods like fresh fruits, plain Greek yogurt, oatmeal, and whole-grain cereals.

  • Protein: Include a source of protein in your breakfast. This can be in the form of boiled eggs, Greek yogurt, or a small serving of lean meats like turkey or chicken.

  • Beverages: Instead of sugary fruit juices or sweetened beverages, choose water, herbal tea, or unsweetened coffee. Hydrating yourself with these options is a healthier way to start the day.

  • Portion Control: It's easy to overindulge at a breakfast buffet. Be mindful of portion sizes, especially with high-calorie items like pastries and bacon. Enjoy these in moderation.

  • Fiber-Rich Foods: Incorporate high-fiber foods like whole-grain bread, cereals, and fresh fruits. Fiber aids in digestion and helps you feel full throughout the morning.

  • Customization: If the hotel offers made-to-order breakfast, consider customizing your meal. You can request an omelet with plenty of veggies and a smaller amount of cheese or choose a smoothie with protein and greens.

Final Thoughts 

Eating well while on the road shouldn't be a chore.

Taking the time to plan ahead and understanding the various components of eating healthy should make it easy to enjoy meals that not only tastes good but is also good for you. 

So go ahead, pack your snacks, peruse the menus, and fuel up with nutritious pre-workout snacks when you're hopping from hotel to hotel. 

Bon voyage!