Oily Food Overload: What To Do After Eating Too Much Oily Food

Have you ever been in a situation where, after eating a particularly oily meal, you’re feeling full to bursting? 

Or maybe even suffered from the bloat and discomfort of too much-fried food? If so, we’ve got you covered. As a nutritionist, I work with many individuals to help them create healthier habits around food - and this happens more often than you’d think!

This blog post will look at what to do after eating too much oily food.

We’ll take an honest look at how your lifestyle choices can contribute to this problem and offer some wonderful solutions for regaining balance after that heavy meal. 

Read on for my advice on getting through those moments when pancakes or French fries got the better of you: 

What To Do After Eating Oily Food? 

Listed below are the best ways to recover after eating oily food: 

  1. Drink Plenty Of Water

Water is essential for various bodily functions, including digestion. 

When you eat oily food, your body may struggle to process it efficiently. Drinking water can help by diluting the fats in your stomach and aiding in their breakdown. 

It also helps prevent dehydration, which can exacerbate digestive discomfort. 

Aim to drink water throughout the day, especially after consuming oily meals, to assist in flushing out excess fats and supporting overall digestion.

2. Consume Fiber-Rich Foods

Fiber is a vital component of a healthy diet that aids in digestion. 

It comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance in your stomach, which can help slow down digestion and make you feel full, preventing overeating

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, adds bulk to your stool and helps promote regular bowel movements. 

Foods rich in fiber, such as whole grains, oats, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, can be particularly beneficial after consuming oily food. 

They aid in regulating your digestive system, prevent constipation, and help your body process the excess oil.

So, if you are looking for things to do after eating too much oily food, fiber might be your best bet. 

3. Opt For Herbal Or Green Tea

Herbal teas, such as peppermint, ginger, and chamomile, are well-known for their digestive properties. 

These teas can help relax the muscles in your gastrointestinal tract, reducing discomfort and promoting smoother digestion. 

Peppermint tea can relieve gas and bloating, while ginger tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe an upset stomach. 

Green tea, rich in antioxidants, can contribute to overall digestive health by aiding in the breakdown of fats and promoting a healthy gut.

4. Take A Short Walk Or Engage In Light Exercise

Physical activity, even in the form of a short walk, is another way of recovering from eating oily food as it can stimulate your digestive system and alleviate post-meal discomfort. 

Walking helps to move food through your stomach and intestines, preventing a feeling of heaviness or bloating. 

However, avoid strenuous exercise immediately after eating, as it may divert blood flow away from your digestive system, potentially causing indigestion. 

Light activities like walking are more suitable for aiding digestion after an oily meal.

5. Include Probiotics In Your Diet

Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide numerous health benefits, particularly to your digestive system. 

They help maintain a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria in your gut, which is essential for efficient digestion and overall well-being. 

Probiotic-rich foods, like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi, can help restore and maintain a healthy gut microbiome, potentially reducing digestive discomfort after consuming oily foods.

6. Eat Fruits & Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them excellent choices for aiding digestion after an oily meal. 

Fiber in fruits and vegetables adds bulk to your stool and helps prevent constipation, while their vitamins and minerals support overall digestive health. 

The natural enzymes in some fruits, like papaya and pineapple, can also assist in breaking down fats and improving digestion. 

Additionally, fruits and vegetables are hydrated, which is essential for maintaining proper digestion and preventing dehydration after consuming oily foods. 

Incorporating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables is one of the best things to do after eating a heavy and oily meal to reduce any possible discomfort. 

Related: Plant-Based Proteins

Wrapping Up

Oily food can be a great treat when eaten in moderation but should be indulged with caution. 

Remember to always make smart choices and use precautionary measures when eating high fat foods. 

Consume plenty of healthy fluids, such as water or tea, do light physical activity to help digest the food, and avoid lying down after you eat for an hour or two. 

And if you’re feeling up for it, try out some healthier alternatives next time.

Now that you know how to deal with an unplanned overindulgence, share your tips with your friends so they can also enjoy a good greasy meal without feeling weighed down afterward.